Cloud Backup Services Vs. Cloud File Storage

January 20, 2022

Cloud Backup Vs Cloud File Storage: An Egg-cellent Comparison

Are you feeling confused about whether to use cloud backup services or cloud file storage? Well, you've come to the right place. In this post, we'll be cracking open the differences between the two and comparing their features, benefits and disadvantages.

What are Cloud Backup Services?

Cloud backup services are online platforms that offer backup and data recovery solutions. These services allow you to backup your files and data to a remote server, which can be accessed anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. The process is automated, which means that once you set up the backup service, it will regularly copy your files to a secure off-site location.

What is Cloud File Storage?

Cloud file storage is an online platform that offers remote file storage solutions. It allows you to upload, store and share files on a remote server, which can be accessed from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. Cloud file storage offers features like file synchronization, automatic backups, and version control.

Key Differences: Backups Vs Storage

The main difference between cloud backup and cloud file storage is their purpose. Cloud backup services are designed to protect your files and data against loss and disaster by regularly creating and saving a copy to a secure offsite location. Cloud file storage, on the other hand, is designed to provide easy access and storage to your files while offering features like sharing, syncing, and collaboration.

Cost Comparison

When it comes to cost, cloud file storage services like Dropbox and Google Drive generally offer free plans with limited storage. However, their paid plans can be more expensive than cloud backup services. For example, a 2TB backup plan on Backblaze costs only $70 per year, while Dropbox's equivalent plan costs $119.88 per year.

Data Recovery

Cloud backup services have the edge when it comes to data recovery. With backups, you can restore entire systems or individual files to an earlier state. This is not possible with cloud file storage. If a file is accidentally deleted or becomes corrupted, it can be challenging to recover using cloud file storage.

File Syncing

Cloud file storage services often include file syncing features, which allow you to work on the same document from different devices. However, this feature is not present in most backup services.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, both cloud backup services and cloud file storage offer different benefits and serve different purposes. Before deciding which one to use, you should consider factors like cost, the amount of data you need to store, and your backup & recovery needs. When it comes to backups, cloud backup services have a clear advantage when it comes to data protection and recovery. Meanwhile, cloud file storage is suitable for everyday file storage and sharing. Regardless of which one you choose, it is always essential to have a backup plan.


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